How to use the MobileMMS API Search Endpoint

How to use the MobileMMS API Search Endpoint

How to use the MobileMMS API Search Endpoint

The search endpoint can be used to search a MobileMMS form with everything from a very simple query all the way to a very elaborate nested query.
The basics of the JSON to search various data types of a form include

            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

            "field": "Latitude",

              "operator": ">",

            "value": 1

The "fieldType" can be any of the attributes listed below including SystemFieldName, FormFieldName, MapFieldName, or MetadataFieldName.
The "field" is the name of the attribute you are trying to search within the "fieldType" specified.
The "operator" is used to determine what to search for, see the operators list below and the notes on what operators can be used for the various attribute types.
The "value" is of course the value you are trying to search for.

Examples of various types of search are listed below.

Field Types
The following are the valid Field Types and the corresponding type that the Value must be:

The Field must be a case-insensitive System Field Name:
  1. "Id": integer
  2. "ParentId": integer
  3. "AttachedToId": integer

"FormFieldName" (this is the default if the Field Type is left blank)
The Field must be a case-sensitive Form Field Name. The type for the Value depends on the type of the Form Field:
  1. CheckBox: boolean (the strings "Yes" and "No" are also allowed)
  2. AutoIncrement: integer
  3. Date: DateTime as a string
  4. Numeric: decimal
  5. All others: string
The Field must be a case-insensitive Map Field Name:
  1. "Latitude": decimal
  2. "Longitude": decimal
  3. "DisplayMapMarker": boolean
  4. "FeatureClassAttachmentLinkId": integer
  5. "FeatureId": string
The Field must be a case-insensitive Metadata Field Name:
  1. "CreatedDate": DateTime as a string
  2. "CreatedBy": string
  3. "LastModifiedDate": DateTime as a string
  4. "LastModifiedBy": string
  5. "ArchivedDate": DateTime as a string
  6. "ArchivedBy": string

Valid Operators



If the Value is null, "=" is equivalent to "isnull"

"!=" or "<>"

not equals

If the Value is null, "!=" (or "<>") is equivalent to "isnotnull"


is null

For "isnull" the Value is ignored. 


is not null

For "isnotnull", the Value is ignored.


greater than

Only valid for non-strings


less than

Only valid for non-strings


greater than or equals to

Only valid for non-strings


less than or equals to

Only valid for non-strings


starts with

Only valid for strings


ends with

Only valid for strings



Only valid for strings


does not contain

Only valid for strings

"=" and "!=" (or "<>") are the only valid operators for booleans.


Filter Examples

Single filter, "Latitude > 1":

"filter": {

    "filters": [


            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",           

            "field": "Latitude",           

            "operator": ">",

             "value": 1




Two filters combined with an "and" (the default "logic"), "Latitude > 1 and Latitude < 10":

"filter": {

    "logic": "and",

    "filters": [


            "field": "Latitude",

            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

            "operator": ">",

            "value": 1



            "field": "Latitude",

            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

            "operator": "<",

            "value": 10




Four filters with a nested "or", "Latitude > 1 and Latitude < 10 and (Longitude > 1 or Longitude < 10)":

"filter": {

    "logic": "and",

    "filters": [


            "field": "Latitude",

            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

            "operator": ">",

            "value": 1



            "field": "Latitude",

            "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

            "operator": "<",

            "value": 10



            "logic": "or",

            "filters": [


                    "field": "Longitude",

                    "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

                    "operator": ">",

                    "value": 1



                    "field": "Longitude",

                    "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

                    "operator": "<",

                    "value": 10





Sort Examples

Sort by Latitude ascending:

"sort": [


        "field": "Latitude",

        "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

        "dir": "asc"



Sort by Latitude ascending, then by Longitude descending:

"sort": [


        "field": "Latitude",

        "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

        "dir": "asc"



        "field": "Longitude",

        "fieldType": "MapFieldName",

        "dir": "desc"



Field and Field Type work the same way that they do for the Filter. Dir must be either "asc" (the default) or "desc", case-insensitive.

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